Keisha Cameron

High Hog Farm

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What’s your story?

We are a family of accidental farmers; land stewards, shepherds, relearning our connections with the land and cultivating community. Our journey into farming has never been business as usual. As friends, neighbors, colleagues, and clients alike became increasingly supportive of our stories from the farm, they began to share their own unique food-farm stories and histories, as well as their time, and energies in support of what we had begun. We quickly became engaged in a restorative-healing approach to land and food — one that honors the interconnectedness of us all. We officially started cultivating the land in 2014, regenerating the soil. We became students of permaculture, agro-ecology, and indigenous practices, incorporating ancestral knowledge and traditional wisdom into our lives, throughout soil, field, kitchen, and pantry. We soon began offering cultural, educational, and restorative experiences, in the form of tours, stays, workshops, classes, and other events. Today, our programs are designed to help individuals and families experience for the first time or reconnect with the land, and practice land-based skills while providing a space for healing and transformation and strengthening relationships with others.

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What’re your values?

We cherish creativity, growth, reflection, and play and these inform how we explore the spaces between food, fiber, culture, and community.

Our values:

Family - Living and learning in sync with the seasons and the land

Sustainability - Working to make a living without killing ourselves working

Stewardship - Honoring age old, regenerative farming traditions

Community - As farmers, we seek to be integral and active members of our community.

We believe in supporting local food sovereignty and uplifting people’s humanity through our connections to food, land and culture.

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Where are you located?


What can we find at High Hog Farm?

We are working to provide more natural wool, fiber and dye products along with a host of on-farm and virtual experiential learning opportunities.

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Where can we learn more about you and your work?

Website: | Instagram: @highhogfarm