Emily Tzeng
Local Color Farm & Fiber
What’s your story?
Local Color Farm and Fiber is owned and operated by Emily Tzeng and Brian Love. We live and farm in the Puyallup River Valley of Washington and are excited to be growing fresh vegetables, heritage breed lamb, and naturally dyed fibers. We were able to start our farm on this current land after years of leasing various plots all over Bainbridge Island, Washington and working at a number of vegetable and dairy farms and vineyards. Emily started growing natural dyes in 2014 on a small scale and quickly wanted to share it with everyone else.
What are your values?
We believe in the synergy between plants and animals and we believe in small scale agriculture. We provide fertility for our produce and flowers using compost generated by our animals, extensive cover cropping, and organic fertilizer. Our sheep are rotated throughout our pastures and cover crops for the health of the land and the animals. Our flower and natural dye plants provide lots of food and habitat for beneficial insects. Everything is grown without synthetic pesticides and chemicals and that is why it all tastes so good! The result is an amazing diversity of vegetables and grass fed lamb and fibers for our community. We are not certified organic, but utilize only organic practices. We are proud to be a small farm, allowing us to touch each step of the process.
What can we find at Local Color Farm & Fiber?
CSA (community supported agriculture) shares- veggie and fiber; full line of naturally dyed farm yarn, grass fed lamb and registered Finnsheep breeding stock.
Are you open to collaborations or custom work?
Yes, open to collaborate; limited custom work at this time.
Where can we learn more about your work?
Website: www.localcolorfarmandfiber.com | Instagram: @localcolorfarmandfiber