Amanda & Alberto Barcenas
Prado de Lana Sheep Farm
What’s your story?
We started our flock almost 7 years ago outside of Philadelphia. Alberto was working as an estate manager for a large private estate where the pastures were just being mowed. Being that both of us have degrees in Agriculture (Alberto in Agronomy and Amanda in Animal Science) we began researching breeds of sheep and approached the owners about starting a flock. I, (Amanda) took up knitting a couple of years prior due to being on bed rest during my pregnancy with my daughter. That played a large factor in the breed that we wanted to start our flock with. We made a list of characteristics that we wanted in our potential breed of sheep: a big woolly fleece, docile, resistant or able to handle parasites, resistant to hoof rot, bigger in size, and excellent mothering instincts. From there, we decided on the Romney. We found a farm in Vermont raising Romneys and purchased our first three ewes; Hazel, Holly, and Fia. We purchased a ram shortly after, as well as four Lincoln Longwool ewes. And there began our little flock that quickly doubled after our first successful lambing season. We have since then added Romeldale/CVM to our flock and now have approximately 75 sheep in our flock who are mainly raised for wool, breeding stock, and fiber starter flocks.
About two years ago, we moved to the Berkshire area of MA where we have opened a store front in our town of Stockbridge. Our yarn and wool shop focuses on wool products from small flocks and small natural dyers from all over the world. Our goal is to celebrate as many different breeds of wool in our shop, get it into the hands of knitters, crocheters, spinners, weavers, and felters, all while supporting small farms and businesses.
What are your values?
We believe in supporting wool and wool producers. Breed diversity and conservation has always been at the forefront of what we do, while being good stewards of the land. Our farm and shop is a place to feel safe and welcomed to learn, share, collaborate, and be a part of a community.
Where can we learn more about you and your work?
Website: | Instagram: @pradodelana