Tammy White
Wing & A Prayer Farm
What’s your story?
When my children were young, we set about learning about sheep and bringing them to our property as part of a method of stewarding the land better, and as part of a course of study of our homeschool curriculum. As they got older, our flock and infrastructure grew. When the children had left for upper level learning and careers, I decided to upscale rather than downsize. I turned our hobby farm into a production farm, adding other related enterprises to the main product of natural and naturally dyed yarns from our various fiber flocks (our current sheep breeds: Shetland, Colored Merino, Clun Forest, Wensleydale, Teeswater, Cotswold, Dorset, Valais Blacknose, Cormo, ALSO Angora goats, Alpacas, Cashmere goats). I enjoy writing and making and hope to continue to integrate media artfully with my love of animals and shepherding until forever.
What are your values?
Our motto is 'Breed Specific Fiber from Beloved Flocks' and 'Building the world for the better, one small farm at a time.' Diversity in Agriculture and Small Business Practice are the foundation of our business model and we will continue to cultivate enterprises that we are able to support ethically and humanely, drawing carbon down and into the earth as we rotationally graze our small flocks, using natural materials to dye our yarns (we currently dye with: Madder Roots, Coreopsis, Hopi Sunflowers, Indigo, Woad, Weld, Amaranthus, Marigold, Calendula, Coneflower, Yarrow, Rudbeckia, Hollyhock, Nettles, Sumac, Queen Anne’s Lace, Goldenrod, Buckthorn, Lilac leaves, Dock, Dandelions, Forsythia, Oak leaves, Acorns), and collaborating with community to cultivate relationships and provide education.
What can we find for sale at Wing & A Prayer Farm?
We provide beautiful natural colored and naturally dyed fibers from our beloved flocks in the form of yarns, roving, batting, wool duvets, wool handwoven blankets, and fiber arts supplies. We also make hand made soaps from tallow and goats' milk for Farm Soap CSAs. We teach Natural Dyeing Workshops virtually and in person when safe. We provide Zoom events called "Barn Chats" that bring interviews with other Fiber Arts and Animal-lovers to audiences and we host workshop events and retreats at our farm when safe.
Where can we learn more about you and your work?
Website: www.wingandaprayerfarm.com | Instagram: @wingandaprayerfarm